föstudagur, 28. nóvember 2003

The Cardboard Tube Samurai Chronicles.

Day 34.
It cannot be much farther. Signs of his passing are everywhere. It feels like walking in the wake of a pestilence. So much destruction, so much pain and anguish. He is a maelstrom of evil. There are few things one can do against such unchecked hate but he, like those before him, walks in the garden of my turbulence. I am close.

Day 35
I do not see him but sense him still. Darkness grows in the north. It is there I will go, it is there I will find him. Too much suffering, too much blood has been spilled on his behalf. My quarry nears.

Day 36
I have caught up with him now. Volrath. My journey nears it's end. The fate of a nation will be decided come tomorrow. Come. Come as fast as you can. I cannot wait.

Day 37
It seems like eons since dawn broke. Yet my wounds are sore, my palms raw. When the battle-rage subsided I barely had the strength to stand but it is not beyond mending. There are few who dare challenge a Stormbringer Elite. Should one do so, there is one fewer. Volrath has now fallen as well as his minions. Why, you may ask, would I near bring myself to death for the sake of those who fear me, don't understand me? Why would I willingly sacrifice myself to this cause? Because it is not a cause but a necessity. I do it because I can.

Inspired by: Heaps of stuff.

Thank you.
Dedicated to my friend in humour and nerdism, Hjörtur.

Þetta er hálf þunnt en ég sé samt möguleika í þessu. Ég gæti einhvern tíman skrifað eitthvað heilsteypt um þetta. Ágætis grunnur ef svo má segja.

Let us hope (well, I, at least, hope) that I will have the time and inspiration to make something of this.


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