miðvikudagur, 23. júní 2004


This gives me the screaming heebie jeebies. Yes, I've been inhumanly busy and, yes, I've had a good reason to be but I still haven't even felt like webloging. Is this weird...? ...Yes.

But I believe that my loyal readers (yes all three of you) may now rejoice. My schedule is less frantic than before so I should have a little more time staring into nothingness... or writing. I'm still not sure. Nevertheless this increases the chances of updates on this now seemingly half-hearted site of mine. Well, I'm off down the boozer (Azerbajdzan).

Oh yes, check this out (ég eyddi tveimur albúmum en kom samt ekki inn öllum myndunum sem ég var búinn að fiffa til. Þær voru 76 talsins en ég kom bara 61 inn. Það vantar sumar af flottustu myndunum. En ég hef einhver ráð með þetta).

tack tack

--Drekafluga the exhaust. ed.--

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