mánudagur, 8. mars 2004


Ég held ég eigi erfitt með að sýna samúð, játa að vera sannur vinur og vera bara of gagnrýninn á velvild annara. Af hverju? Af því ég þoli illa að sjá Fwd bréf í Inboxinu mínu. Ef þau eru fyndin og skemmtileg hef ég ekkert á móti þeim en ef ekki fara þau oftar en ekki í taugarnar á mér. Fann svo stutt bréf frá Denis Leary, fannst það ekkert svo fyndið lengur en fékk smá innblástur og ákvað að deila þessu með ykkur. Einn örlítill bútur (6 orð - Little Starving Legless Armless Goatless Boy) er frá Leary kominn en annað eru mínar eigin vangaveltur.

You have one unread message.

-This is a friend test-
"No, this is fucking annoying. Delete."
-No, really. This IS a friend test, you heartless bastard. Read it!-
"Oh alright. Reading."

[Insert-nice-poem-about-me-being-the-bestest-friend here]

"Well, wasn't that nice. I, just like the 326 others who this was sent to, am the very favourite bestest friend of the sender. But wait a minute. What the hell is this?"
-Oh this? Well now you get to scroll down and make a free wish!-
"A free wish?! Really? Naturally, I've spent uncounted amounts on my previous wishes and now you're giving me one for free?"
"Well jolly good. ...done. So what's this then?"
-Oh that's just the part where you're told to send this to gazilliontwentyone people or your virginity will grow back and you'll be forced to walk around for the rest of your life with a stamp on your forehead, saying: "I am a rotten friend."-
"What!?! But I don't know gazilliontwentyone people!"
-You don't know gazilliontwentyone people? Well aren't you the isolated caveman.-
"Who knows a gazilliontwentyone people?"
-With an 'a' eh? Fancy. Well I don't know but can we please drop this. Gazilliontwentyone is pretty tedious to write.-
"Yes, yes. You're right... Wait! There's more!?!"
-What? Oh that's just the part regarding that every time you pass this on, a fraction of a cent will be donated to the Little Starving Legless Armless Goatless Boy from Tuonglasedobah who's really having a rather rotten time and if you haven't passed this on in 27 seconds your computer will crash.-
"What!?! You've gone completely fucking bananas. I will delete this."
-No! Wait! Nooooo.....-

Og þar hafiði það. Vona að þetta komi ekki illa við neinn, enda ekki illa meint.

Jú og svo er þetta víst móðins.
You are CRUSH!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

tack tack

--Drekafluga, feeling rather good--

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