laugardagur, 10. janúar 2004

Warlords Continued (and a rather long continuation today, I'm afraid. Sorry.)

The three enjoyed the company of each other, trading stories and recalling old times. They were sitting in the corner of an inn, empty plates in front of them. Seth was in the middle of describing a battle with a wyvern, using the chickenbones of his meal as props when the door to the inn was blown of it’s hinges. Through the opening stepped a ruul. Ruul were relatives to ogres but were sleeker, had a greyish fur and a whiplike tail. He didn’t stand completely upright but still stood a good seven and a half feet tall. In a harness on his back was a huge double-edged axe and from his belt hung a two-handed sword.
– “You’re late.” he said in a deep, raspy voice, pointing at the barkeep who, at this moment, dropped a clay mug from his shaking hands.
– “I hate when someone interrupts my stories.” Seth said, noticeably irritated. “What is this?” he asked a local at the next table.
The local, a stout, middle aged human, shook his head sadly. His eyes didn’t show fear but had a sad and seasoned look. The fear of someone who has seen the same terror a hundred times. “The ruul’s name is Grit.” he whispered. “His buddies terrorize some of the towns in the area and then he demands payment for a “protection period.” It’s a story as old as time.”
– “Why hasn’t anyone stood up to him?” Dade asked.
– “We are not warriors. Most of us are farmers. Besides, the few who tried to do something were publicly torn apart by Grit himself.”
Grit had now walked up to the counter and was leaning on it without saying anything, only giving the barkeep a hideous smile. He knew how to use his fiendish looks to subdue people.
– “Well I don’t like it when people... or half-ogres interrupt me in one of my best stories.” Seth stood up and walked to the counter.
– “This was one of his best stories?” Dade whispered. Kyrian just smiled.
– “Barkeep, a mug of ale.” Seth said and tossed a coin towards the trembling human. The coin flew untouched between him and Grit and landed with a clatter on the floor. Seth let out a sigh. The ruul turned his head and then his body towards the elf.
– “Wait your turn, slime.” He hissed and, to emphasize his words, laid a hand on the hilt of his sword.
– “See, that’s not nice. Anyway, it didn’t look like you were going to order anytime soon so I guessed I could ask for an ale while you were deciding.”
– “Shut up, filth.” The ruul straightened his back and took a step towards Seth.
– “Filth?” Seth crossed his arms. “Slime... filth? Not only is it not a nice thing to say but it lacks imagination as well. Grit is it? Lets see... that’s a funny name actually, twit, git– don’t say it Dade–” he raised a finger as Dade was about to utter a less polite word. “–slit... your throat if you don’t get out of my face.”
Grit’s eyes flared. “This isn’t your business, elf.” He took two more steps towards the elf. “One more word from you and I’ll feed you to my snakes. Alive.”
Seth smiled. “Now that had a hint of imagination. What do you say about taking this outs–“ the ruul’s hand had shot out and was now wrapped around Seth’s throat, effectively silencing him. Grit lifted him off the floor and then brought him to his face.
– “You ain’t worth my time, elf.” With a swing, the ruul threw the elf through a window, taking out a part off the wall as well.
Dade was still seated on a bench in the corner, his feet on the table and Kyrian, with her hands behind her head, was leaning against him. “Need any help there?” Dade called towards the ripped out window. A hand appeared in the window, then another and then they pulled the body they were attached to on it’s feet.
– “No, no. I’ve got this.” Seth coughed once, his head drooped and then he looked at the ruul. “What are you trying to do, tickle me?” The ruul, who had turned his attention back at the barkeep whirled around. Seth continued. “Whoah, didn’t see that before. Who poured acid on your face? Is that your nose or did someone vomit on you?” The ruul strode towards the gap in the wall and raised his treetrunk-like arm. At the last possible moment, Seth dodged the blow, then grabbed hold of Grit’s elbow and used the creature’s own bodyweight to toss him out the broken window.
– “He’s stealing my taunts now?” Dade said as he stood up. “I´ve gotta see this. Coming honey?” Kyrian followed as he walked outside.
On the dust covered street in front of the inn the ruul was standing up. Seth’s eyes were closed. He stood straight, his legs together. He held his forearms in the shape of an ‘X’ in front of his chest and in each hand he held a shan-katar, the preferred weapon of many elves. The ruul drew his two-handed sword and held it in one hand, then grabbed the axe from the strap on his back. “You will regret this, elf.” He then lowered the tip of the axe to the ground, sidestepped and swung his sword in a wide arc.
It wasn’t until then that Seth opened his eyes. He spread his legs, arched his back and dropped backwards landing on one hand. As the huge sword passed over his face and chest he used his free hand to hook his weapon at the hilt of the sword, lifting himself up from the ground. Seth used his momentum and made a long gash in the ruul’s side. This, however, seemed to have different effects than he was expecting. The ruul, seemingly unaffected by the fresh wound in his side, made a backward swing and knocked this elven upstart across the face with the hilt of his sword.
– “This may have hurt.” Dade commented, sitting cross-legged with his back against the inn wall.
Seth dropped to his knees, stunned, and then to his hands, shaking his head. Grit raised his axe.
– “Move!” Kyrian’s voice rang over the gathering crowd.
Seth decided to do just that. Before the ruul had time to swing, Seth rolled out of his reach and then crawled to his friends, the creature’s axe buried itself in the ground behind him. “A little help here?” he said as he wiped blood from his forehead.
Dade stood up. “Two-eight.” Seth recognized the direction his friend was giving him and jumped to the left. A second later the ruul was yanking his axeblade from the ground where Seth had been. Dade drew a pair of swords from the harness on his back and jumped into the street. The dark-haired beast whirled around and roared at this new pest.
– “I sense hostility.” Dade said, one eyebrow raised.
To the side Seth was wrapping an already blood-soaked cloth around his head. A crowd that had formed around the fighters was getting larger. The ruul jumped into the air, a surprisingly agile move for one of his size, and came down on Dade with the full force of both weapons. The elf hurled himself under his adversary’s weapons and drove both blades into the gut of the beast. This seemed to affect it, since it stopped and then stumbled backwards. Dade yanked his swords loose and prepared for another strike when the ruul dropped his axe and roared so that saliva flew from his mouth, bathing Dade. He drove his fingernails into his own chest and then tore into it, drawing blood.
– “What the–“ Dade didn’t get any further because Grit grabbed hold of his sword with both hands and went berserk. Seth stepped into the battle beside his friend but even two against one they were forced back under the fury of the ruul.
Then came a voice from the crowd. An elderly man spoke.
– “No, no! Stop! Someone must stop this!” He grabbed his head in desperation. “You will bring them all upon us!”
But the elves were in no position to stop anything now. The ruul, now bleeding in several places, carried on undaunted. He was determined to exterminate these annoying little rats. Then a crossbow bolt flew through the air, followed by another, then a third. The first struck the enraged beast in the neck, the second into his right arm and the third in his chest. Kyrian stood a few metres away, holding a compact crossbow in each hand. “There’s nothing we can do now, old man. This ends now.” She released two more bolts. They both struck the creature’s head and lodged there. The ruul fell to one knee and was immediately slain by the elves, Seth holding the huge two-handed sword at bay while Dade used both his blades to slash off the head. The lifeless body fell forward and struck the ground with a thud.
All was deathly quiet.
Dade wiped his brow. “Whoa, that was... was... what’s that?” he said, pointing down at the body. Everyone now saw what the keen elven eyes had picked up. A dull yellow glow was getting brighter at the creature’s wrist. It was a bracelet. Suddenly it exploded into a bright orange light, blinding everyone for a moment before it shot up into the sky and flew away.
– “Now you’ve done it.” The old man stepped from the crowd, leaning on a staff, walked towards the body and shook a finger at the trio. “I suppose you think you’ve done us a favor?”
Dade was the one to answer. “Why, yes. We killed the bad guy, cleared the town of a pest. The only worry you have to have about him is how you’re gonna move the body.”
– “Are you really childish enough to think that he was the only one? Sure he was the only ruul in the area but there are other creatures around and they’re every bit as foul as he was.” He crossed his hands “What did you think the light from the bracelet was? A farewell firework?” He took a step closer to Dade and shook his staff at him. “No! It was a signal. Soon the village will be a nightmare come true, crawling with creatures like him!” The old man indicated the corpse. He then pointed a finger at the companions. “You are responsible for this. You have to take responsibility for your actions and kill the others before they can do us any damage. You will seek out their lair and you will have to do it before nightfall. The other ones will not come out during the day.”
The three adventurers could only stare at this strange old man. Although his appearance was that of a man in his seventies, his sparkling blue eyes were not exactly young, but gleamed with stubborn determination. His presence was so commanding that none of them could think of anything to say back. (breyta. þetta er rotten)
– “Ahm... yeah.” Kyrian muttered. “I hope you didn’t mind me borrowing your crossbow hon.” she said to Dade.
Dade just shook his head. be continued.

Ég ætti kannski að hætta þessu.

--Drekafluga, an uninspired little git--

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