Well smack me around and call me Susy! I just had some shocking news that were... er.. shocking! Yes, that's it! It is so shocking that I'm not going to tell you what is was because you might be shocked! Ssssssshocking, isn't it?! Well, actually and quite surprisingly, I wasn't as shocked as I'd think to be normal. Those involved know what I mean but those of you who have absolutely no idea of what the hell I'm talking about, there's no point in asking. I will reveal nothing.
In other news, this day has been marked as festive and all around jittery, the reason for this being that this will be the day you'll remember as The Day When Drekafluga Finished Exams (TDWDFE). I shall put together a schedule for the festivities of TDWDFE and my first order of business is to find a more suitable name for the event for TDWDFE is not in the least a pleasant thing to pronounce. Furthermore I will need three orangutans, six silver teaspoons dipped in honey, two pints of Guinnes Dark, a Swedish chicken and a vegetable blender. If any of you have information about where to aquire such things, please let me know. Now I am off to choir practise but will probably edit this text back and forth when I have time.
Well well... I write this from the comorts of my lair (as opposed to the comforts of my palace in the east) and have therefore returned from the choir practise. There are few words that can fully describe what took place there but it was weak. It was the weakest performance of all weak performances excepting, of course, all those times when the likes of Mariah Carey have opened their mouths in what is supposed to be singing. And when we were not weak we were laughing but even that was done half-heartedly. So a faint performance, yes. Afterwards I strolled up Laugavegur and then jumped in Abinn's car as she sped by at a staggering speed of almost 4 km/h. She then parked and we went from store to store until finally we ended up in the Amazing Store which I can fully recommend. I'd never been there before, only in Kringlan, and there I bought two more Cristmas presents. Before I did that I had gone to Skífan where I finally secured my copy of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Thus, in the light of recent events, I have no time updating this post past these lines. A whole new world awaits me.
Tenü Silverclaw says hi.
--Drekafluga, an apprentice of The Cardboard Tube Samurai--
miðvikudagur, 10. desember 2003
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