"...You'll never see me fall from grace..."
Come May 30th there will be some major full-scale, wicked vocal heavy rocking in Iceland. Yes, Korn will be here. Alas, come May 30th I will be basking in the Croatian sun surrounded by rapidly tanning girls, each fairer than the last. Alas..? I may have to rethink that, for yes, I enjoy the music of Korn. They are not my favourite by any means but can still deliver a forceful and enjoyable punch. But I also enjoy beautiful girls wearing as little clothes as possible, with the possibility of toplessness. You will not hear me complain.
In yesterday's log I mentioned that today's log would be potentially interesting if I kept to my writing ideas. However, since I did not and am not nearly as irritated as I was yesterday, this will have to wait. Also, seeing as I am not particularly fond of nautical terms the word 'log' is in severely improper usage here. This is what my 7kg English dictionary had to say of the word in the form of a logbook: "any of various records, made in rough or finished form, concerning a trip made by a ship or aircraft and dealing with particulars of navigation, weather, engine performance, discipline, and other pertinent details; logbook." I will now only use the word in refference to any of these, excluding, of course, treelogs and such. Now, for my native tongue (I always have to think for a second before spelling this word).
Velkomin aftur Undintuska! Ég er ekki sá eini sem átt hefur í vandræðum með andleysi og ritstíflu þegar kemur að vefritun. Eins og við erum bæði hæfileikarík höfum við við átt erfitt með skrif undanfarið. Ég held því fram að þar komi til annríki og "þessi tími ársins". Hver fílar janúar og febrúar? Svona sem mánuði á ég við. Ekki móðgast af því þið eða mæður ykkar eiga afmæli í febrúar. Þetta eru ekki skemmtilegustu mánuðirnir og þannig er það bara. En ég er farinn að spila Spellforce en hann er jafn mikil snilld og hér segir.
tack tack
--Drekafluga, forfallið fantasy freak--
laugardagur, 7. febrúar 2004
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