Hokay. Me and my friend, known as the Viking Bastard (being the bastard child of a Viking I presume), are both nerds. One must accept this as a fact. It's ineffable. Anyway, being such nerds we were wondering (as opposed to wandering which is entirely too energy consuming): How did computers get so immensely stuck in beige. What's up with that?
Board meeting:
"Well guys. We've got this co-puter thing now and apparently it's going to be used in offices. Got any ideas on how to brigthen the average office-worker's day?"
"Shut up Dave. Anyone else?"
"How about the color beige?"
"By George I think he's got it! (ten points to the one who sees the film refference in that line)"
And this was in the 80's! Nothing was beige in the 80's! To quote the Viking Bastard: "..should've been pink or some weird shade of purple.." Hell yes! Why didn't that ever catch on!?! Always with the Star Trek grey. That's an actual shade of grey you know, the Star Trek one. Replied thus by VB: "I know, imagine my surprise when I planned to paint my room and ran into it. I asked the store clerk about it and he said: "Starrrek? Isn't that made out of coconuts?" It was then I thought would be a dandy time to laugh myself silly. Anyway: Miserable twits. It wasn't until IBM came along with the black concept, only I felt they never took it all the way. I mean, a black computer. Why not a black interface and / or message windows. Wouldn't this be wicked? "The program be fucked up. Now click 'OK' before I freeze this shit up, muthafucka." (no pun intended. I merely have a twisted sense of humour)
Bah, enough for now. I consider this quite amusing. And maybe, just maybe in the not so distant future, I will keep mainly to writing in Icelandic.
Ok, stuff. This is stuff. I'm still trying to figure out this stuff. Stuff out.
tack tack
--Tyrael Drekafluga--
p.s. Hvað í fjandanum!?! Þetta kemur geðveikt asnalega út. Geðveikt ójafnar línur og læti. Eins og ég hafi verið að leika mér á Enter takkanum. Rugl. Ég meina, sjáiði (já, öll þrjú) efstu línurnar. Þetta er fáránlegt. Og ég finn ekki html hlutann fyrir font-sizeið í blogginu sjálfu eða bara einhverja ástæðu fyrir þessu. En ég er búinn að fikta smá í html-inu. T.d. er headerinn ekki eins stór og í default. Heh. Þetta er að koma.
Hmm... This be child's play. Þetta er allt í rétta átt. Bæinn að laga textann og þetta virðist allt vera að koma. En ég þarf samt að breyta síðunni allri á einhvern hátt. Hokay. Skiptir engu. Pæli því seinna. Drekafluga út.
föstudagur, 21. nóvember 2003
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