þriðjudagur, 1. mars 2005

Steve Oedekerk

Þekkir einhver nafnið? Hann hefur gert myndir eins og Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, Thumbtanic, Frankenthumb og Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle. Maðurinn er snillingur. Ég fylltist skærri gleði þegar ég fann nokkrar af thumb myndunum á DC. Þær eru magnaðar. Hérna er t.d. stutt brot úr Thumbtanic.

Er, yes?
I want to go faster.
Uhoh, but Mr. Prickllle, we're already going fast.
Yes I know, but I want to go unreasonably faster, faster than what's safe, do you hear me?
Umm, eheh, very well. All hear thisss! Increase speed beyond reasonnn! Happy?
Yes, I believe I am.

Seinna í myndinni:

I demand we sink faster.
Surely we can submerge this beast with a faster clip. I shall die the fastest!
Please excuse me, I'm heading for the low end. Ta ta.

Annað atriði:
Tvær persónur sjást fljóta innan um aðra hluti sem... fljóta... í hafinu.
Oh my gosh. Look at that! The entire ship is angling even more. Even more... And more! Oh it's cracking in half now. The back of the ship has broken off and is crashing into the ocean. Oh it's crushing the people who leapt off to what they thought was safety! The rest of the ship is sinking into the ocean depths. It's amazing. It's massive! There's very little left to go. Oh, if we're ever going to recreate this on film it will cost so much money!

Þetta er frábært. En í ótengdum fréttum hef ég aldrei verið jafn nálægt því að kaupa bíl og núna. Meira af því seinna. Lag dagsins er 99 Problems með Jay-Z (sem yfirleitt fer í taugarnar á mér).

tack tack

--Drekafluga, feeling the heat--

Engin ummæli: