For it is over a fortnight since my last one. I accidentally wrote "A bog is due", pondered a bit about keeping it that way but in the end felt it was way to swampy. Now, what's happened since last time? Well, I'm making far more keyboard errors but the most obvious difference is that I'm writing this in a whole different language and have no idea why. Bruises are new as well, albeit not as obvious. It seems most of my injuries heal quickly, probably because of my kinship with Wolverine, and most of them don't even show which has it's pros and cons. For one thing I don't have a lot of visual proof to spontaneously trigger sympathy but on the other hand my skin remains non-purple. Which is good. As to the reason of said injuries, and I think it's worth mentioning that they are all very manly but not to serious, it is because for the last 9 days Rimmugygur has been under the command of Phil Burthem. Phil Burthem kicks royal ass and is pretty much as elite a melee weapon fighter as there can be now a days. Under his rigorous training I have been pelted with all sorts of weaponry but without the maiming and bloodshed that might occur under such circumstances. I live and stand (reasonably) strong. And that was pretty much the point of this post, to show that I am alive. Seems that my later posts mainly revolve around that. And now I'm out of time. Hmm.
tack tack
--Drekafluga, off--
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