Rrrriiinnnggg! (the sound of a door-bell)
Yes, hello?
Telegram! I'm looking for Gummi's brain. I've been all over the place and am starting to think it doesn't exist.
Oh I'm afraid it's punched out for the day. Is it something important?
Well I was told so, yes. I'm rather flustered about all of this.
I wish there was somehting I could do...
Well, how about I read it to you and you could deliver it whenever the brain sees fit to return.
Ok. Fine by me.
Alright, here goes. "You are completely daft and stupid. And ugly too." Hmm... that seems a bit rude.
Actually it's pretty acurate. I'll make sure that he hears this.
Thank you kindly.
You're welcome.
Vegna heimsku minnar þurfti ég að hella niður rúmum 700 lítrum af mjólk í morgun. Í stað 1100 lítra innvigtunar var hún á milli 3- og 400.
--niðurdregin Drekafluga--
laugardagur, 30. apríl 2005
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