fimmtudagur, 26. febrúar 2009


Í dag, á Deviant Art, fékk ég beiðni frá manni sem ég þekki ekkert til. Hann sagðist elska stílinn minn og bað mig um greiða, hvort ég gæti teiknað fyrir hann mynd sem hann fengi sér svo sem tattoo. Hann spilar World of Warcraft og féll víst alveg fyrir Druid birninum mínum. Hann langar að fá samskonar útgáfu af Druid ketti. Tattoo er lífstíðarskuldbinding. Ég vil glaður hjálpa og það er eins gott að ég standi mig.

Í öðrum fréttum þá er ég byrjaður í myndasöguáfanga í skólanum. Snilldin ein. Mér finnst stundum svo gaman að vera til.

tack tack

--Drekafluga teiknari--

miðvikudagur, 18. febrúar 2009

The World (á ensku því þetta fór líka á DA)

There is a computer game - the computer game - which will not release it's polygon-impaired grip of me. I've played countless games, from disappointing ones to timeless masterpieces. But in all those years of playing there hasn't been anything so tantalising, so addictive, so gripping in it's own being. It is so attainable. It is right there. I just don't have the £8.00 a month and I don't have the time to play so I can't allow myself to be sucked in. Actually I do have the money but it's still a valid excuse.

World of Warcraft is not the best looking game. Even with the updates it sill looks chunky and rough. I'm playing the best looking games in the world right now. Games like Far Cry 2, Unreal Tournament III, Assassins Creed and Oblivion so stacked with graphic extras that it has doubled in hard drive space. But there is nothing like WoW's character. It is utterly beautiful. Few games equal it in legend or lore. It has endless possibilities, it is ever expanding and ever evolving. I want to have the time and discipline to play it just for an hour or so each time and not be lost. I just know that I would be. WoW Model Viewer will have to do for now. WoW is still installed and updated on my computer and because of that I can play a sort of weird WoW dress-up. That's both a blessing and a curse.

Penny Arcade describes it quite accurately

tack tack

--Drekafluga með annað við tímann að gera--

þriðjudagur, 10. febrúar 2009


...og Deviant Art taka tíma frá vefritun.

tack tack

--upptekin Drekafluga--